Allow me to introduce myself…
Today is March 26, 2020. There is a global pandemic surrounding the outbreak of a coronavirus named COVID-19 and I have officially been in quarantine for thirteen days. Today also marks thirteen days until my 32nd birthday! I am stepping into the most uncertain and unknown days of my life, I’m sure yours too.
I decided this was the perfect time and opportunity to do more of what I love and more of what lights me up as I’m focused on staying buoyant through this energetic waiting game in order to support and serve my family and community as best as I humanly can.
I am experiencing an interesting approach to how I desire to introduce myself, just like always, it’s non-traditional and I’m hopeful that you catch my drift…
I sometimes find it challenging to sum up who I am through words as I, just like you, am an ever-evolving being.
I don’t like to use labels as I’ve commonly felt that they put us in boxes and each of us are so much more than just one category however if I were to choose some labels they’d include being a proud adoptee, a daughter, a sister, a lover, a friend, a thought leader, a trauma-informed healer, a human and spiritual connector, as well as a seeker desiring endless learning through being a lifelong student.
At the root of who I am is the message that my soul is here to deliver, which again, is ever-evolving as well for as I evolve through learned knowledge my message evolves into greater consciousness.
To me, my message is more important in sharing and spreading than information on who I am because sharing my message is my purpose for being here.
If I were to keep my knowledge to myself that would be a disservice to you, to the rest of our beautiful society, and my purpose in life wouldn’t be fulfilled in staying silent.
My message is for each of us humans to understand that we can be free from our mental suffering if we choose to be.
My message is for each of us humans to know that unconditional self-love is possible, it starts by committing to yourself.
My message is for each of us humans to adopt ourselves and our realities by taking full responsibility for our joy and healing.
We are conditioned and programmed by a society to look for external validations when the most rewarding validation comes from within.
True self-acceptance sets ourselves free mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, we are not taught how to fully accept ourselves, how to care for ourselves, how to love ourselves, or how to prioritize ourselves. The only way we learn this is by doing and by living.
I’m here to change that.
My experiences, learnings, and teachings have taught me how to have a healthy relationship with myself, how to love myself unconditionally and how to maintain a healthy and thriving mind, body, and spirit.
I’m here to share my knowledge and guide others on their healing journeys.
I am a proud adoptee who grew up feeling like I was the black sheep, the odd one out, continuously trying to find my “home” somewhere, anywhere, even though the environment I was raised in felt welcoming something was just off.
I looked for home in other people and other places until I finally realized home was within me. It was up to me to create and maintain a safe, stable home and it was up to me to enforce boundaries in sustaining my safety.
At around age 21 I woke up one day and I found myself in a dark black spiraling hole and I realized I didn't love myself. Deeper than that, I didn’t even like myself. I had been in an emotionally, mentally, and eventually physically abusive relationship for roughly 3.5 years where I sacrificed myself to try and rescue them, I thought serving them was best for me, I lost my zest for life to balance their wounds, I lost my silver lining through the dark hole I chose to engage in, I lost my motivation as they had already lost theirs, I stopped choosing myself because I didn’t know it was an option, and in the end, after two slaps to the face and being raped I completely lost myself.
I gained 60 pounds since the beginning of that relationship, I barely recognized myself in the mirror, and I had no clue which way was out or how to put one foot in front of the other but I somehow made it out and freed myself from the toxicity.
That was the beginning of me choosing myself, of me prioritizing myself, of me doing what was actually best for me. If I were writing a fairytale this is the part where I’d say that the rest was easy and now all my dreams came true, I’m married with two kids and happier than ever.
Truth is, I am maintaining more happiness than ever before and it wasn’t easy, it was ugly, and it was challenging. Choosing me was the best challenge I ever accepted.
Shortly after I broke up with them I spiraled deeper into the darkness of unknowns and I personally understood how an individual can take their own life as I saw the option on the table and I felt hopeless however I knew I had a purpose to live. That's when I knew I hit rock bottom.
Over the past ten years I have grown as I have learned to ride the waves of life through ebbs and flows knowing where the bottom was and that the only way I desired to go was up. Through learnings of sudden losses, an unexpected liver surgery which woke me up by shaking me to my core, and additional toxic relationships I began to see why I’m really here.
I fought my battles so that I can hold space for others who are going through their own.
I’m here to serve, I’m here to guide, I’m here to mentor, and I’m here to lead.
My journey to unconditional self-love and sustained happiness started when I chose myself and it’s a choice I continue to make daily so that I can be better to serve better.
Your journey starts the moment you commit to it.
At the end of the day we’re all in this together which is why I’m here doing my part for the evolution of the human collective.
Thank you for reading and connecting, I love you